December 24, 2015

Simple Joys

READY…  "We only need to open our eyes to see the gifts that abound all around us. These are the simple joys in life." ~ Genevieve Gerard

AIM… Christmas.  It brings out the “merry” in people.  It brings out the “humbug” in people.  It reminds us of the missing pieces in our lives.  It gives us a skip in our step.  It makes us feel like a child again.  It makes us long for the warmth and connection of family.  It gives us hope. 

Christmas is so many things to each one of us.  But today, I am overwhelmed with feelings that I need to share that I know, are meant just for you, this Christmas.  I need to remind you to forget about all the wrappings, and gifts, and cookies, and perfect decorations, and making sure you invited all the right people.  I need to remind you to take a moment to breathe.  Stand still.  Close your eyes.  Take a deep breath.  Breathe in the smells of Christmas.  Breathe in the peace of the season.  Breathe in the opportunity to rest and reflect.  Now, as you open your eyes, commit to finding joy in a simple moment this Christmas weekend.  Jesus was a mere babe.  A tiny wonder.  An explosion of joy wrapped in a simple package.  Look for the simple moments of joy that will explode in your heart this year.  They will become special memories for you every Christmas.  That one, simple joyful moment will allow you to recognize and treasure the true meaning of love, hope, laughter, promise and peace.  Those joys are the real gems at the heart of Christmas spirit. 

Simple Joys.  So easy.  So necessary.  So priceless.  

Merry Christmas, my friends!

FIRE!  Promise yourself you will look for and recognize your simple moment of joy this Christmas.  When you discover it, breathe in deeply so you can capture all the nuances of the senses as the joy envelopes your heart.  See, you’re smiling!  That’s real joy!!

Be Excellent!