February 1, 2011

The Most Important Gift

READY8 “The more you praise and celebrate your life, the more there is in life to celebrate.” ~ Oprah Winfrey

AIM8 Birthdays are the perfect opportunity to gather with family and friends, play games, eat cake and have fun. When you are planning a special celebration, do you get stressed out about all the details, decorations and desserts? Are you worried that your party won’t be as lavish as the neighbor’s or that the treat bags won’t be filled with the right treats? Did you invite all the right friends and spend the most money? Stop right there! Where is the focus of your party? The birthday boy or girl? Let me encourage you to take time to evaluate what is truly important for your child’s birthday celebration. Spending boatloads of cash on an expensive location, piles of gifts and the best cake in town doesn’t always equal an amazing birthday. Simplify your efforts. Rejoice with your child about her accomplishments this past year! Celebrate the unique likes and dislikes about the person your child is becoming! After all the bows, bags and balloons are tossed away, what remains is really the most important gift of all: The gift of your love. Make sure that above all else, this year you give your children the gift of your love before you worry about giving them anything else. It is truly the gift that keeps on giving their whole life long.

FIRE!8 Make yourself a promise to simplify your celebrations this year. Enjoy spending quality time together and having fun, not worrying about the little details. Be sure everyone leaves your presence feeling loved and you will have given him or her the best present.

Be Excellent!

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