September 7, 2011

Wandering In The Wilderness

READY  “Patience is waiting.  Not passively waiting.  That is laziness.  But to keep going when the going is hard and slow – that is patience.”  ~ Anonymous

AIM…  Ok, so I’m in a season of life where I’m just waiting for the next big thing to happen.  I feel like I’m listening to God’s promptings and being obedient by doing what I feel I’m being called to do.  However, it doesn’t seem like there’s really anything happening. Even the little things going on don’t seem to be coming together for a means to an end.  It’s hard to be patient when you feel like you’ve been waiting and wandering in the wilderness without even a bread crumb trail to lead you into the promised land.  Truth be told, there are days I probably wouldn’t even recognize a bread crumb trail if the entire loaf of bread was waved in front of my face!

Despite my personal frustration, I know many of you have been in a similar place in life at some point where waiting and being patient is difficult at best.  We’re all such a bunch of control freaks that it’s hard to let go of our lives long enough to let God lead us in the direction in which He wants us to go.  However, when we do finally feel like we’ve let go, we expect Him to lead us directly to the end of the path for the answers we’ve been waiting to see or hear.  I know you’ve heard this expression before: “Getting there is half the fun.”  Sometimes I don’t know if I totally agree with that phrase, but I do agree we need to step outside of ourselves long enough to realize that there is much more going on behind the scenes of our lives than we can even fathom.  So for now, I’ll simply work on my patience and try to find the joy along this journey called life.  Won’t you join me?

FIRE!  Romans 8:24-25 says “If we already have something, we don’t need to hope for it. But if we look forward to something we don’t yet have, we must wait patiently and confidently.”  Make a list of the things you are impatient about today.  Then pray for the strength to patiently await the results you are hoping to receive. 

Be Excellent!

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