October 25, 2011

Fear Not

READY… “Fear and faith cannot live in the same body.” ~ Judy Cokonougher

AIM… This past week, the Lord called home one very special lady, Mrs. Judy Cokonougher. Judy was like another mother to me. She was loving, encouraging, supportive, accepting, and interested in my life. She always had an opinion or advice to share with me.

Over the past five months, Judy battled stage four thyroid cancer and the attack it waged on her body. Fortunately, even though physically her body was weakening, her heart and mind were still focused. Judy loved Jesus as her Lord and Savior. As a result of her great love, she found comfort in the promises of heaven and wasn’t afraid of her inevitable death. She knew her faith was stronger and more powerful than any disease or physical ailment. Judy often said to people, “Fear and faith cannot live in the same body” and she is correct. If you have faith, even as small as a mustard seed, you can trust that God will be with you, work His plan in your favor and will unconditionally love you. Why in the world, if those are God’s promises, would any of us ever experience worry or fear?

Yes, Judy is now dancing in heaven without pain and suffering, and I’m sure she has an eternal smile on her face. We should all take Judy’s advice and apply it to whatever circumstances we may face in life. Fear and faith cannot live in the same body if you know Jesus is fighting the battles of this life with you and for you.

FIRE! Examine your life and pinpoint one area that causes you worry or anxiety. Take that specific situation and pray for God to take control and release you from fear. Then, have faith and believe God’s promises to replace your worry with peace.

Be Excellent!

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