October 5, 2010

Dare To Dream

READY8 “Never laugh at anyone’s dreams. People who don’t have dreams don’t have much.” ~ Anonymous

AIM8 When was the last time you found yourself daydreaming? Were you dreaming about a vacation, lunchtime, your warm bed at home, a new job or how to enjoy some quiet time? It’s not often that we daydream and then turn those dreams into realities. Why not? Are our dreams too far out of reach? Even if we think our move towards making our dreams come true. Sometimes all it takes is committing our dreams in writing or telling a trusted friend or family member to get the ball rolling. Who knows, once another person knows our dream, she may have contacts or additional information to help us take the next step towards our dream becoming a reality. It’s healthy, therapeutic and life-sustaining for each one of us to have goals and aspirations for our lives. Give yourself permission to find time to dream today. You and your future deserve it!

FIRE!8 Take out a piece of paper and start writing a list of all the things you’d like to do during your lifetime. Identify the ones that you can do immediately, in the next year and farther in the future. Give yourself permission to take the necessary steps to make at least ONE of those dreams a reality in the next year.

Be Excellent!

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