December 30, 2009

Old Year Gratitude & New Year Resolution

New Year's Greetings, Dear Friends!
I want to thank you for all your kind words and encouraging notes over these past six months. I knew there was a reason I needed to send these messages, but I never imagined how God would use them to make a difference in your lives. I am so blessed to call you my friends and am grateful for your continued support. Thank you for reading my emails and and I ask you to continue providing me with your feedback...good, bad or indifferent. I appreciate your comments and enjoy hearing how these articles are helping give you a new perspective on life.

As we look forward to a new year, many of us resolve to do something different. Most people want to quit drinking, quit smoking, exercise more, lose weight, get out of debt and so on. At some level, we all want to become better people in the new year because it's a momentus occasion to start fresh and start over. I urge you to walk with me and consider becoming a person of integrity this year. I guarantee it will be harder than the majority of your other resolutions because it affects all the decisions you make on a daily basis. However, I assure you it will be the most rewarding resolution because you will not only feel good about the person you are becoming, but also you will feel good about the example you are setting for your family, friends and peers at work. So, are you with me? I will be right there alongside you and will continue providing weekly encouragement messages as we strive to become the people God intended...people of integrity!

Blessings for an amazing 2010,

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